Download Shopify Orders into Revel iPad POS

This legacy Revel API orders integration is being deprecated and should only be used in certain circumstances if recommended by our support team.

Now that you have tested a product updates, you can try orders next. When orders are downloading into your Revel POS your inventory counts will then also update in Revel with each line item in your Shopify order. This will result in a two way inventory sync

Make sure you have verified that you're connecting successfully. 
Creating a new product online is the easier first step. 

Note: Once the online order is created in the POS, the POS will then trigger a two way inventory sync for each of the lline items in the online order.  

Follow the instructions on the Orders Action configuration and the ‘?’ question marks will help guide you in your setup. When a Shopify order is downloaded into your POS your inventory will also update with all the line items in your Shopify order.

  1. In order to download an order into your POS, Kosmos eSync needs to key in on the order status field in Shopify. For example, ‘Open, Paid & Unshipped’ is the most common status for a successful order transaction within Shopify.

See example Shopify order configuration: file

  1. Next, configure how your order will reach your Revel iPad POS. Open orders can be viewed in the POS and will need to be closed out before the end of the day. You will need to assign a register, location, payment type, system-id for shipping, create a tax product, etc. For closed orders you can also setup up a virtual employee (Online Orders) to assist with locating online orders and reporting.

See example Revel order configuration: file

  1. Configure your order Tag Action next. The order Tag Action will update your order that has been downloaded into your POS with a TAG called esyncExported and only these orders with this TAG of esyncEsported will be ignored for future download into the POS. The date time stamp is used to view orders in your POS that have been downloaded by this specific date and beyond and only those orders will be considered when making a TAG update to Shopify.

file file

  1. To locate your Shopify order in Revel, just go to Reports and order history.

  2. Click To view your Revel order in your iPad that you assigned.

Note: “If your Revel POS requires a phone number for web orders. In Shopify’s settings under checkout you can mark the shipping phone as required. this will also make the billing phone required in order to checkout. We have to map the billing phone since in-store pickup orders will not have any shipping address so billing phone is the only value we should expect to always be available”

Updating (Voiding) Revel Orders.

Do you have weighted items in your Shopify Orders? If so, see Help article on sending weighted items in your Shopify orders to Revel POS.

For Multi-Location, the Shopify order will need a location TAG created by (Zapiet) to designate where to send the order.

If the Shopify order does not have a designated location using the Zapiet tag feature and is a result of a 3rd party plug-in (not Zapiet), then simply create another Order Action and new TAG Action for this circumstance and label the tag configuration area as ‘blank’ for the Order Action and designate the Revel location to send the order.

If you have any questions, feel free to post a support request in our help desk below.

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If you have further questions, please post a ticket in our Help Desk

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