Vend and eSync Trouble Shooting Tips

Q. How many products are updated every time eSync runs?

A. eSyn will update up to 100 products per each payload and will continue updating in subsequent payloads until there are no more products to update. Each update is processed based on a product time stamp and eSync will only update items with the most recent updates in your POS. We suggest turning on your schedule to automatically update products as they change in your LightSpeed POS.

Q. If I change the Online Price in Vend, will it also update to the shopping cart?

A. Yes, when you change Online Price, the price will update to your online store with the send products action only.

Q. Can I change my product name or title?

A. Changing your product name or title will not update to the website and depending on your cart, may also create a duplicate product. If you need to change your product name, you’ll also need to change it online.

Q. Will my Vend product descriptions, overwrite my online store?

A. Yes, if you have product descriptions in Vend these will always overwrite what you have in your online store. If you’d like better formatting for your descriptions eSync will also support HTML. If there is no data in your POS page for descriptions, then eSync will not send anything to the cart. You can then create your descriptions manually on the shoppingcart side.

Q. Can I add more than one Action into a Task?

A. Only for orders. For all other Actions, if the first Action has no data to process then subsequent actions will then be ignored. So, only add one Action into a Single Task.

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